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تركيب الاطارات
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CrossContact LX Sport

Continental CrossContact LX Sport

Continental's CrossContact LX Sport is an on-road and general off-road Touring tire that delivers season-round traction, even in light snow conditions. Its outstanding braking performance, exceptional handling and low on-road noise makes it an excellent fit for CUVs and SUVs.

السعر من

درهم 582.50 إلى درهم 1,801.78

ويشمل السعر مجهز بالكامل--ضريبة القيمة المضافة والتسليم، والمناسب، وموازنة والتخلص من إطارات السيارات القديمة الخاصة بك.

المواصفات و المميزات الخاصة بالمنتج Continental CrossContact LX Sport

The CrossContact LX Sport's flanged lower sidewalls decrease the chances of on-road damage and increase the overall wear-life of the tire. Its asymmetric tread pattern provides agile steering precision along with excellent control over braking and handling. The tire's low rolling resistance decreases vehicle fuel consumption and delivers a higher mileage. The treads feature a circumferential rib supporting the notched outboard shoulders, which increases the vehicle stability during drives. The CrossContact LX Sport's inboard shoulder blocks and siped central tread blocks are crucial for providing traction during wet and snowy conditions.

كل الأحجام متاح لى Continental CrossContact LX Sport

  • الحجم
  • نوع المركبة
  • السنة
  • علامة إطارات الإتحاد الأوروبي
  • UTQG
  • الحساب الكلى النهائى
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