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PracticalMax HP RS26

Habilead PracticalMax HP RS26

The Habilead Practical Max HP RS26 is a summer tire designed to meet the demanding requirements of Jeeps and similar off-roading vehicles. It delivers a balance between handling, braking and usability, which makes it an ideal choice for light to moderate off-roading. Built for both on and off-road track, it acts as a versatile tire featuring all-rounder capabilities.

السعر من

درهم 306.85 إلى درهم 458.61

ويشمل السعر مجهز بالكامل--ضريبة القيمة المضافة والتسليم، والمناسب، وموازنة والتخلص من إطارات السيارات القديمة الخاصة بك.

المواصفات و المميزات الخاصة بالمنتج Habilead PracticalMax HP RS26

The Habilead Practical Max HP RS26's asymmetrical tread pattern ensures road grip in any condition. The tread pattern is comprised of grooves that automatically eject debris stuck in the treads and keeps the tire clean from mud and water. This prevents aquaplaning and improves safety as well as braking control in wet conditions. The tire shoulder is marked with a notched pattern, which contributes towards an comfortable driving experience. The tread pattern has also been optimized for reduced noise emission during operation. The compounds used to manufacture Practical Max HP RS26 is designed to optimize its performance in high speeds, by reducing wear and tear under high temperatures.

كل الأحجام متاح لى Habilead PracticalMax HP RS26

  • الحجم
  • نوع المركبة
  • السنة
  • علامة إطارات الإتحاد الأوروبي
  • UTQG
  • الحساب الكلى النهائى
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