Why Car Tyres Lose Pressure: Causes and Maintenance Tips

Mar 06, 2023 Car Tyres Tips & Tricks PitStopArabia

Car tyres play a vital role in ensuring optimal vehicle performance as they are the only part in direct contact with the road. It's no secret that well-maintained tyres lead to better handling, improved fuel efficiency, and an overall smoother driving experience. However, underinflated tyres can have a number of adverse effects, including tyre bursts, poor handling, difficulty in turning, and low fuel efficiency.

Car tyres commonly lose pressure for a variety of reasons. That could happen as a result of weather conditions, worn-out wheels, or damaged or punctured tyres. As a responsible car owner and for your and the safety of other road users, it is crucial to keep an eye on your tyre pressure regularly. Low tyre pressure not only decreases fuel efficiency but also increases wear and tear on your tyre. It can also lead to dangerous situations, especially when driving at high speeds or in unfavorable weather conditions.

In this article, we will go through the reasons for low tire pressure and provide tips on keeping your tires properly inflated, ensuring a safe and smooth ride.


There are many reasons why car tyres lose pressure. Finding a solution for the common tyre problems that cause pressure loss is crucial for drivers. Regarding tyre pressure, correctly inflated tires improve fuel economy, weight-carrying capacity, passenger safety, and tyre longevity.

Here are all the causes of frequent tyre pressure loss in cars and their possible solutions.


Damaged Wheel Leads to Pressure Loss

Corrosion or impact damage might cause the wheel or rim to lose its perfectly round shape. Due to rusted or damaged wheels, the tyres won't position correctly. If a wheel gets bent because of an accident or hitting something, the tires can shake and damage the part of the tire that attaches to the wheel. This can cause the tire to lose air pressure.

However, you can take a professional mechanic's assistance to repair wheel damage in case you don't have the expertise.



Car tyres can lose pressure if the valve stem is corroded or has reached the end of its useful life. This can happen because it will allow air to slowly escape via the damaged valve stem, it can be one of the main causes of your car tires losing air pressure.  PitStopArabia recommends that you change your valve stem with every tire change.



If you run over a nail or a pointy object, don't panic! Your tire won't immediately go flat, but it may start slowly losing pressure over time. This is a common issue that requires quick attention to prevent any harm to your tyres. Once you remove the nail, you can temporarily fix the leaky tire with a plug. However, if the damage is extensive and prevents the tyre from working with a plug, it's time for a tyre replacement. Driving on a damaged tire is dangerous and will impact your control and the smoothness of your ride. Additionally, even a brand-new tyre can suffer from air pressure loss due to a nail on the road.



Tyre beads are the inner rings of the tyres that play a crucial role in securing the tyre to the rim. Over time, the edges of the tyre can wear down, causing a gradual loss of pressure. This is why tyre beads are so important - they help ensure a tight fit between the tyre and rim. If the tyre beads become damaged or broken, air can leak through the gap between the tyre and rim, leading to a loss of pressure. This can not only be frustrating, but it can also be dangerous while driving.


Weather Conditions

Did you know that temperature can affect your tyre pressure? When the air inside your tyres gets colder, it contracts, which causes a decrease in tyre pressure. As a result, it's important to check your tyre pressure regularly, especially during extreme temperature changes. In fact, car tyres can lose pressure by about 4% when the temperature rises or falls below 5 degrees Celsius. That's why it's important to keep an eye on your tyre pressure and make adjustments as needed.



Driving over potholes and curbs can damage the tyre treads and grooves of your car tires. Not only can this damage be costly to repair, but it can also be dangerous. Even minor cuts to the tyres caused by potholes or curbs can cause a loss of pressure, which can eventually lead to a blowout. This is why it's important to avoid potholes and curbs whenever possible.


Maintaining the right pressure in your car tyres isn't as difficult as it seems. Even though there can be several reasons for tyre pressure loss, you can prevent it by following some simple maintenance tips. 

Here are a few strategies to help you keep your car tires properly inflated:

  • Avoid driving over potholes and curbs as they can cause tyre blowouts or damage.
  • Make sure the Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) is functioning properly.
  • Check the valve stem regularly to ensure that air is not escaping.
  • Inspect your tyres for any small punctures, cuts, nails, or damage to the tyre bead, as these can cause the tyres to lose pressure.

Along with regular tire maintenance and inspections, you can also choose different tyre tread patterns that are suitable for the conditions you will be driving in.

By following these simple steps, you can maintain the proper tire pressure in your car tyres and ensure a safe and comfortable driving experience.



For optimal vehicle performance and safety, it is important to maintain proper tyre pressure. In order to prevent tyre pressure loss, it's important to avoid these common issues and regularly check your tyre pressure, valve stems, and tyres for any damage. If you find that your tires are regularly losing pressure and despite getting them repaired they are not working properly, it may be time to consider purchasing new tires. If you're in the market for new tires, be sure to check out PitStopArabia for a great selection.

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