Documents Required for Car Insurance Claim in the UAE

Dec 04, 2020 Car Insurance Updates PitStopArabia

By now, you would already be aware that car insurance in the UAE is mandatory. Any person driving without valid car insurance is breaking the law. Apart from a hefty fine, your vehicle can also be impounded along with black points on your driving license. Therefore, before going out for a drive, ensure that you have valid insurance.

Many people end up breaking the law unknowingly. They are under the opinion that they have valid insurance, only to find out that it has expired. Many people forget that their insurance is about to expire. It is why many automobile insurance companies in the UAE now offer timely reminders to remind people that they need to renew their insurance.

Another positive step is that a few companies now extend the coverage for one month beyond the expiration date. However, the focus of this post is not on what insurance companies in the UAE are offering to buyers. Instead, we are here to talk about a process that seems simple, yet many people end up making mistakes.

Today, we will talk about the documents that you need to present to the insurance provider while buying car insurance. Let’s start.

Driving License

If you plan on buying car insurance, you need to have a valid driving license. Therefore, make sure that the license is not expired or damaged. Suppose the insurance company does not have a valid proof of your right to drive in the UAE. In that case, they will not be able to provide you with an automobile insurance policy.

Vehicle Registration

Another essential document that you will be needing is the vehicle registration certificate. After all, the insurance is taken out on in the name of the car. Hence, you need to provide the company’s representative with a copy of the vehicle’s registration.

Passport & Residence Visa

Suppose you are a foreigner living in the UAE. In that case, you are also required to provide a copy of your passport and residence visa. Without it, the provider will not be able to give you a quote.

Policy Cancellation Document

If you are shifting to a new insurance provider, you will need to provide them with a policy cancellation document. The document is a confirmation that you are no longer insured with another company. Another reason that insurance providers ask for this document is to assess your previous policy in detail. They can offer a better policy only after they have seen the previous one.

Bank Statement

Some insurance providers might also ask you for your bank statements. After all, they need to ensure that you are financially viable to pay the monthly premium. Whether it is a bank statement or credit score, they will need your financial history.


Wrap Up

This concludes our post. Remember, all the documents mentioned above need to be valid. If they are expired, the insurance provider will not be able to sign you up for insurance. Therefore, make sure that you possess valid documents.

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