Tips for Getting the Best Car Insurance

Nov 26, 2019 Car Insurance Updates PitStopArabia

Today, PitStopArabia will be discussing a topic which is particularly important in the car industry. Today’s discussion revolves around effective tips for getting the best car insurance. If you are a car owner, then you know that getting your car insured is compulsory in the UAE. UK, USA, and various other countries have made getting car insurance compulsory.

Car insurance is one of the most important things. At the same time, it is something everyone dislikes buying. After all, who would like to pay for something they hope never happens? Nevertheless, insurance can come in handy especially if your car meets an accident or someone hits it or if it falls victim to a natural disaster.

At the end of the day, we all know how even a single hit to the car can cost thousands of dirhams in damage. But if you have your car insured, you do not have to worry about paying all that money as the company will cover the damage for you. Without taking more time by discussing the importance of insurance, let us talk about getting the best car insurance quotes.

This is an important article especially for those who want to save their hard money on the car insurance policy. The good thing here is that there are so many insurance companies and insurance providers out there that you will not even run short of car insurance plans. But at the same time, all this variety and all these options can make things quite overwhelming too.

Now, this is what we are here to save you from today. Today we will talk about all those best strategies that you can use to lower down your premium. Do take notes because you are going to love saving yourself insurance money. In the long run, you can utilize this money on other things.

1. Shop Around

As said earlier, there are several insurance providers around you then why stick to the first one that you come across? No matter how good their coverage plan is and no matter how reasonable the pricing is, you should juggle all the options and shop around. Look for more companies, check their plans, check what they cover, compare their prices, and then make a final purchase decision.

Rushing to buy a car insurance plan is the last thing on Earth that you should do. The best part is that here even the internet can come in handy to you. There are several online platforms where you can do a price and plan comparison of different insurance companies. Not only this you can even read the online reviews given by the customers to see which company and which insurance plan is worth your time and which one is not.

2. Do Not Overlook the Small Insurance Companies

A company does not necessarily offer the best coverage plans just because they are spending a lot of money on ads and marketing. What if a smaller company offers you better car insurance plans than the one that keeps on showing itself as a “big brand” on the television and the internet? The point that we are trying to prove to you here is that do check the small companies and the regional insurance providers. There are high chances that you might up getting a much better package with them as compared to a high-end company.

3. Ask for Discounts

Just like you bargain before buying a product in a store, you are advised to ask for discounts on the car insurance plans too. Some companies might resist and tell you that their plans are unchangeable but if you keep insisting and if you stick to your demand, they might make an exception for you.

This is not only recommended when you feel like the insurance plan is a little costly even if you are getting a cheap plan, but you should also still try and give it a shot. What if they reduce the prices even more and comply with your demands? As said earlier that there are a lot of insurance companies in the market. Therefore, to attract customers, they might bargain with you.

4. Review the Coverage Properly

If you are interested in a car insurance plan and if you are planning to buy it, just make sure to review the plan being offered by them carefully. As said earlier, this is not something you should rush. Take your time, review the coverage properly and review it regularly. In case you have any questions, you should ask the agent at the spot before signing for the insurance plan.

Speaking of questions, there are plenty of things to ask about. From the extra-coverages to the minimum and maximum cost that will be covered by the insurance company, you should talk about it before time and once you are satisfied, that is when you should purchase the insurance plan.

5. Pay the Bills on Time

An insurance company will check your credit score when offering you a rate for the car insurance. Therefore, it is always wise to keep a good credit score. The credit score is maintained by the Al Etihad Credit Bureau (AECB) in the UAE. As a result, any company that you approach for car insurance is likely to look into your credit score.

Hence, before applying for vehicle insurance, PitStopArabia recommends seeking ways to improve your credit score. Otherwise, you will end up paying a lot higher than you would have to otherwise. One way to improve the credit score is to always pay your bills on time. No one likes a person that delays paying their bills or keeps defaulting on their payments.

Also, if you have any outstanding debt to your name, clear it. Having a debt reduces your credit score significantly. So, clear the debt before taking out a car insurance policy.

6. Maintain A Good Driving Record

Drivers who have no history of accidents or fines, have to pay less for their car insurance. On the other hand, if you have a questionable driving record, you will see your insurance rates spiking. However, if you have been a victim to a car accident and if you want to save yourself from those rate spikes then the wiser thing to do is to ask the company if it offers ‘accident forgiveness’.

Accident forgiveness is a feature offered by companies in which they do not look at a person’s past driving record while determining the insurance rates. Not all companies offer it and not all types of accidents are counted for. In most cases, only your first at-fault accident is forgiven. Any other accidents will drive up the rates.

Nevertheless, if you have had an accident, look for a company which offers this feature. Avail it, protect yourself, and save your money. Generally, PitStopArabia will recommend you to just keep a good driving record because it is the best thing to do for a good car insurance quote.


Final Words

These are some of the best tips to use to buy the best car insurance. Opt for these tips, follow them properly and we assure you that you will land on a good insurance plan that is reasonable in price and in coverage too.

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