Signs Of Untrustworthy Mechanic - Get To Know Before You Tow

Sep 29, 2021 Car Recovery Tips & Tricks PitStopArabia

Are you worried about your mechanic or car repair shop ripping you off when you go in for repairs? If yes, then we can assume that you do not know much about vehicles or their components. Whether you like to admit it or not, they are experienced at knowing which person to deceive. Unfortunately, everyone faces auto repair problems. So, you will find yourself talking to a mechanic at one point or another. Therefore, it is better to be prepared and avoid getting scammed. PitStopArabia will let you know how to spot an untrustworthy mechanic.

Signs of an Untrustworthy Mechanic

We will be honest. There are so many signs that it is impossible to list every one of them. Nevertheless, we have managed to compile a comprehensive list for you:

1. No Credentials

Whether the UAE or any other country, mechanics and car repair shops require a license to operate. So, before booking a service, ask them if they have the required licenses. If not, then we suggest walking away. The reason is that the consumer laws will not protect you if you engage in a business transaction with an unregistered business. A professional towing company needs a special license to operate. In case you require towing services, ask about their license.

2. Blank or No Written Quotes

The second most common thing that a dishonest mechanic will do is:

  • Provide a quote without mentioning the prices for each component or service. Instead, they only mention the total.
  • Refuse to give you a written quote.

The reason for doing so is that they will attempt to charge you or include hidden charges later. They might even include the price for a service or quote that was not initially agreed but was critical to the repair and maintenance work. The right thing to do is demand a written quote and refuse to back down. One of our customers revealed that they had used a towing service lately from a towing company. Unfortunately, they did not get a quote even after asking for one. Despite it, they agreed to their service. When the time came for them to pay the bill, they were shocked to see the bill inflated by a few hundred AED. Unfortunately, they had no option but to pay it. So, be vigilant.

3. Refuse to Answer Questions

The human mind is curious. We like to ask questions to remove any uncertainty. The same mindset applies when we go to a mechanic. An honest mechanic will have no problem answering your questions. In most cases, they will even give you practical experience. An untrustworthy mechanic is a complete opposite. They will refuse to answer your questions or give terse responses. Usually, they will say that the work is too complicated for you to understand.

4. Do Not Show Old Parts

An untrustworthy mechanic will refuse to show you the old parts. Why? They did not replace them, and the old part is still in the vehicle. The second reason is that the part is damaged or worn out was not the actual truth as they claimed. An honest mechanic will always show you the old parts and might even ask what to do with them.

5. Warranty

Does the repair or maintenance work come with any warranty? If not, then the chances are that the repair shop did not do a satisfactory job. If yes, it means that the mechanic is confident about their work. We recommend asking about the warranty before agreeing to the work.

6. Shop Condition

Another way to differentiate between an honest and dishonest mechanic is by looking at their shop’s condition. A good car repair shop will be organized and clean, while the staff is cordial towards customers. The opposite applies when it comes to an untrustworthy mechanic. Their sole concern is to mint money from the customers.

7. Unnecessary Repairs

Suppose that your brakes are not working as before. You ask the repair shop to check if brake pads are working. If not, the mechanic says that you will need to replace A, B, and C components along with the brake pads. It shows that they fit in unnecessary repairs to inflate the bill. Avoid such a mechanic.

8. Counterfeit Parts

A trustworthy mechanic will offer genuine parts or at least the next best thing. They pride themselves on it. An untrustworthy mechanic will offer counterfeit products from brands that offer no warranty or you have not heard their name before. On top of it all, they will charge the same price as that of a genuine part. It is challenging to differentiate between a counterfeit and genuine product.

However, you will feel a difference in the performance. If you suspect that the part is not genuine, do not hesitate to file a report with the relevant authorities. It will protect others against the same scam and help you get your money back.


Wrap Up

It concludes today’s blog post. We are confident that you found it informative and interesting. If you have any questions in mind, let us know. Thank You & Good Luck.

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