Effective Ways to Extend Your Car Battery Life in Hot Weather

Aug 31, 2023 Car Battery Tips & Tricks PitStopArabia

Hot weather can be damaging to car batteries, especially in the UAE. With temperatures reaching up to 50°C during the summer months, it's important for drivers to take proactive measures to ensure the health and longevity of their car batteries. 

The most effective ways to extend the life of your car battery include, keeping your car battery clean, parking in the shade, avoiding short trips, turning off the lights, and having it tested, and replaced regularly.

Now, let's delve deeper into these ways and explore them one by one.

How To Extend a Car Battery Life 

Driving in extremely hot conditions such as in UAE, can cause the battery to deteriorate quickly as compared to normal ones in cooler temperatures. However, there are some effective ways to extend battery life. Some of these include,

  • 1. Avoid Short Car Trips

Car battery life

Short car trips can prevent your car's battery from fully charging, as they don't allow the battery to recharge properly. 

To keep your car's battery power in good shape, try to drive it regularly and for longer periods of time. This extended driving allows the battery to charge more fully and maintain its health.

  • 2. Have your Battery Tested and Replaced Regularly

Car battery replacement

Car batteries typically last for three to five years, but the extreme heat of the UAE can shorten their lifespan. So, if you are in UAE you will need car battery replacement services often in the UAE. It is suggested to have your battery tested every year or two to make sure it's still in good condition.

  • 3. Look for Battery Damage

Check for battery damage

Monitor your battery's voltage and electrolyte levels either with a multimeter or by having a mechanic inspect your car.

If you see weak battery signs, such as slow cranking or dim lights, it may be time for a car battery replacement. 

  • 4. Keep the battery Clean and Corrosion Free

Keep the car battery clean

In order to keep your car battery healthy, clean it regularly. Remove the dirt and debris from the top of the battery. Grease and dirt buildup can drain your battery’s power. You must regularly examine the battery for dirt and immediately remove any sort of buildup.

  • 5. Try to Park Your Car in the Shade 

Park your car in shade

If you live in UAE then the hot climate is the biggest enemy of your car battery life. Parking your car in direct sunlight can increase the temperature of its battery by up to 20 degrees °F, which can significantly reduce its lifespan.

When parking your car, try to find a shaded spot, such as under a tree or in a covered parking lot. This will help in keeping your car battery cool.

  • 6. Turn off the lights before leaving your car

Turn off car lights

Sometimes we accidentally leave our car's headlights or door lights turned on. Leaving your headlights and car door lights turned on can significantly drain your vehicle's battery. 

To avoid this, consider placing a reminder on your dashboard, attaching a sticker to your car remote, or parking in a way that requires you to walk by your headlights when heading toward your destination. 

  • 7. Fasten your battery tightly

Fasten Car Battery

A loosely adjusted battery can vibrate and damage the terminals, which can shorten the battery's life. So, it is important to always fasten your battery tightly so that if you are driving on off-road tracks your battery does not vibrate. 

Which Battery type is Best for UAE Weather? 

Best battery for UAE

If drive in the scorching heat of UAE and you want a car battery that is optimal for UAE conditions. So, whatcar battery type is best for hot weather in the UAE? Well, let's explore some options.

You can choose between flooded lead-acid batteries and sealed batteries when buying a new car battery. However, for extreme temperatures, it's recommended to use a sealed battery that is specifically designed for hot weather. 

Within sealed batteries, the top types are AGM and Gel. AGM batteries use absorbent material, needing less maintenance. Gel batteries use a gel electrolyte, lasting longer due to reduced evaporation and leaks. Opt for either for a hassle-free hot-weather drive.


How long does car batteries last?

The average life of a car battery is between 3 to 5 years. However, the average lifespan of a car battery is 3 years in the UAE. Because, the UAE has a hot climate, which can put stress on car batteries.

How much does it cost to replace a car battery in UAE?

The cost of car battery replacement in the UAE ranges from AED 139 to AED 2000.

Here is a breakdown of the average costs of car batteries in the UAE:

  • Lead-acid battery: AED 139 to AED 500
  • AGM battery: AED 400 to AED 1000
  • Lithium-ion battery: AED 1000 to AED 2000

How to Jump-start a Car Battery?

To jump-start a car battery:

  1. Position the vehicles close.
  2. Connect jumper cables (+ to +, - to -).
  3. Turn on the working car and let it idle for a few minutes.
  4. Try starting the dead car.
  5. Once started, let both cars run, then disconnect cables (- to -, + to +).

Where to get Car Replacement Services in UAE?

If you are seeking Car replacement services in the UAE then PitStopArabia will be the perfect solution. We at PitStopArabia provide top-notch battery replacement services all over the UAE at affordable prices.

What are the signs that my car battery needs to be replaced?

There are a few signs that your car battery may be nearing the end of its lifespan. These include:

  • Your car takes longer than usual to start
  • Your car's headlights are dim
  • Your car's power windows and locks work slowly or intermittently
  • Your car's dashboard warning lights come on
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