Tips for Maintaining and Driving on a Spare Tire

Aug 01, 2019 Car Tyres Tips & Tricks PitStopArabia

PitStopArabia has always emphasized on the importance of tyres and maintaining them properly. However, we admit that there is one tyre that we have not stressed enough on. That tyre is located in the trunk of your car and is called the spare tire. Although overlooked most of the time, it is a very critical component of your vehicle. 

You never know when you might need it. Therefore, it needs to be properly maintained all the time. Imagine driving in the middle of nowhere, and you realize that one of the tyres is going flat. However, when you get out to replace it, you realize that the spare tyre is not in a condition to be installed on the vehicle.

It is just one of the many scenarios that need to be avoided. Therefore, in this article, we will be sharing various suggestions on how to adequately maintain it. Moreover, the article will also discuss the difference between driving on a spare tyre and a standard tyre.

Before sharing the suggestions, we expect that you know what a spare tyre is. In case you are unaware, check out this article.

Suggestions for Maintaining

One of the first and most significant suggestion is to monitor its air pressure. Tyres lose pressure even if they are not being used. As it is used infrequently, the recommended tyre pressure for it is 60 PSI. If you keep them inflated at the same level as a normal tyre, it can become unusable by the time you need to use it.

Hence, experts recommend keeping them inflated at higher levels than regular tyres. Another suggestion is to replace a spare tyre when they are damaged. It is not advisable to get them repaired. They are inexpensive, meaning that buying a new one will not offset your budget.

Moreover, they are only meant to be driven in case of emergencies. They are less durable than standard tyres. Replacing them as soon as it starts to wear out is highly recommended. Although some foolish drivers try to have it regrooved, one must never regroove a spare tire!

It only increases your chances of ending up in a situation with severe consequences. Only tyres that are marked ‘regroovable' can be regrooved. Presently, no spare tyre comes with the ‘regroovable' label. Also, from time to time, manufacturers have had to recall their tyres. The reasons for the recall vary. It is advisable to ensure that it has not been recalled by the manufacturer. Ensure the same for your standard tyres as well. 

Suggestions for Driving

Please understand that a spare tyre is not the same as a regular tyre. Therefore, it is not meant to be driven like one. They cannot be driven at speeds higher than 80 km/h. If you drive at speeds higher than this, you risk damaging your tyre or experience a tyre blow out. Therefore, it is recommended not to cross the stated speed limit.

Secondly, they are not meant for long-distance driving. The ideal thing to do is install your spare tyre and drive to a workshop to get your standard tyre repaired. These tires have tread patterns that are distinct from standard tires. Also, the sidewall is not as durable as that of a regular tyre. Nevertheless, it can be driven for a maximum distance of 80 km.

Furthermore, continuous driving on them can negatively affect alignment. Also, they negatively impact the durability of standard tyres as well. 



There is no doubt that spare tyres are a critical component of your car. Therefore, one should never overlook it. Also, we are hopeful that the suggestions on maintaining and driving them are beneficial to you.

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