Dangers of Driving on a Bad or Faulty Pump

Aug 24, 2021 Car Service & Repair Blog PitStopArabia

Before talking about the problems you may encounter due to a faulty pump, PitStopArabia will guide you about everything there is to know about the pump.

What is a Pump?

The correct name for this part is the 'water pump', but people mainly shorten it to 'pump'. The water pump is a crucial part of every automobile because it maintains an operating temperature. How? It circulates coolant around the engine block, radiator, and other components. If the pump is not working correctly, the vehicle will overheat and may cause damage to the engine along with other components. In short, you do not want a faulty water pump.

Signs that Indicate a Faulty Water Pump

Several things indicate a problem with the pump. Let's review them.

Engine Overheating

If your vehicle is overheating, it means that there is a problem with the radiator. It happens when a circulation problem with the coolant prevents the car from remaining at the optimal temperature.

Smoke from the Radiator

If you see smoke emanating from the radiator, turn the car off immediately and call a vehicle recovery service. Do not turn on the vehicle under any circumstance as it will cause expensive and extensive damage.

Steam from the Radiator

If you steam coming out of the radiator, follow the same advice in the point above.

Unusual Sound

If you hear strange sounds coming from the hood, it is time for an inspection. Check the pump and other components for any signs of damage.

Moreover, check the list of other things car owners must not do to their cars.

While these are the most common signs of a faulty water pump, they are not the only ones. There are various other signs, including rust on the pump and variations in the temperature. However, it is impossible to review each cause. Therefore, the best thing to do is take the car to a workshop.

Causes of a Faulty Pump

Earlier, we were discussing signs of a faulty water pump. Now, the focus shifts towards the causes.

The Belt

At times, the belt’s installation is questionable. For instance, if it is too tight, it will lead to problems with the pump.

Wrong Coolant

Always check the car owner’s manual or a reliable workshop regarding which coolant you should put in the vehicle. If you use the wrong coolant, the pump will get rust. A rusty water pump will have trouble regulating the car’s temperature.

Low Coolant

It is more dangerous than the wrong coolant. The reason is that low coolant means that there is not enough coolant to circulate through the vehicle. It means that the vehicle will overheat at any moment and damage various components.

Other than this, wear & tear and blown gaskets are responsible for a troublesome water pump.


Wrap Up

A water pump is not expensive to repair or replace. However, if you keep ignoring the problem, you may end up with engine damage which is far more costly. The insurance company may not cover this damage as car maintenance is strictly the owner’s responsibility. Therefore, we recommend that you keep an eye on the signs of a bad water pump and have the problem fixed as soon as it occurs. Also, keep in mind that water pumps last anywhere between 60,000 to 90,000 miles, meaning that you will have to change them at this point. If you have any questions in mind, feel free to let us know. Thank You.

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